Translation: Soili Hämäläinen | Photo: Adam Oszaczky
The brand and name change aims to make Digmarit a better-known and interesting trade union. The association wants to open conversation about the rules of working life, gain more respect for the fields it represents, and develop its members' skills and professional pride.
The former name referred to the professional fields that the association represents – the official name was the Professionals of Digital Media, Marketing Communications and Information Industry DigiMaMa Assoc. The professional fields are in constant change. Moreover, the name was too long for documents and official forms. It was also ambiguous because it made some people think the association worked for mothers.
– The new name resembles the old one; we don't have to start branding from the beginning. The name takes thought in the right direction but doesn't mean anything as such. The 50th anniversary party in May gave a perfect opportunity to update both the name and the image, says Johanna Juntunen, the chairperson of Digmarit.
The new name and image were published in honour of the 50th anniversary.
The association had reached a time in its history when it was a good moment to think about a new visual look as well. Erto was planning for the same kind of change for its website and operations and it was good to go with that flow particularly because the DigiMaMa website was adapted to be compatible with the Erto website on Hubspot.
With the name change, however, we wanted the look to remain recognizable. The logo was not changed because the new name included the same letters, except for typography and style. The new font family, Vista Slab OTCE, was perceived as determined and strong to reflect the association's expertise. The typeface stands behind its cause firmly but flexibly and in favour of reform. The font family also serves as the typography of the entire graphic look. The goal is also to make the association better known and more attractive, even in appearance.
The strong primary colours Teal Green (#175873) and Coral (#E57F84) and the supporting colors Teal (#2B7C85), Royal Blue (#0C1446) and Seafoam Green (#87ACA3) were selected as the colour scheme. However, supporting colours will not be used alone, and in the future, lighter shade percentages will be added to them to make them suitable when using, for example, background colours.

Tiina Valve's drawings continue to serve as illustrations, which are added and updated over time and can be easily combined. In the applications of the look, the pictorial symbol (DM circle symbol) is used as wallpaper-like surfaces and in large form on its own. However, the name logo will always be accompanied by a DM circle. You can now find the association's pages at and online store at Contact information is in the format ■